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Basic lemon lime mousse
Basic lemon lime mousse
Prep Time:
35 minutes
Cook Time:
10 minutes
Total Time:
45 minutes
Cool and tangy lemon lime mousse - the perfect summer treat!
  • 125mls (1/2 cup) boiling water
  • 18.00 gm (2 x 10g sachets) powdered gelatine
  • 4 large eggs (59/60g each), separated
  • 165g (3/4 cup) caster sugar
  • 2 tsp finely grated lemon rind
  • 2 tsp finely grated lime rind
  • 80mls (1/3 cup) fresh lemon juice
  • 80mls (1/3 cup) fresh lime juice
  • 1 300ml carton thickened cream
  • Prepare all ingredients and equipment before starting to ensure a smooth mousse-making process. Timing is key, so having everything ready is crucial.
  • Prepare a small heat-resistant jug and a fork for dissolving the gelatine. Create a bain-marie by placing a large heat-resistant bowl snugly into a saucepan, making sure it sits about halfway into the saucepan for cooking the egg yolks.
  • For a quicker whisk, use electric hand-held beaters to mix the egg yolk mixture over the heat. A balloon hand whisk works too, but it will take twice as long.
  • Prepare 2 full ice-cube trays to rapidly cool the whisked yolk mixture once incorporating the gelatine.
  • Prepare 2 medium bowls to whip the egg whites and cream separately.
  • Prepare a round 20cm cake pan or a 2.25-litre metal, glass, or ceramic mould that is 6.5cm deep for setting the mousse.
  • Pour boiling water into a heat-resistant jug. Sprinkle gelatine over water while whisking with a fork for 1 minute to remove lumps. Set aside for 15-20 minutes to cool to room temperature without setting. Gelatine will dissolve and mixture will clear in about 3 minutes. For gelatine leaves, soak 12 in cold water for 5 minutes, squeeze, add to boiling water, stir until dissolved, and proceed as with powdered gelatine.
  • Fill the saucepan a quarter of the way with water. Place the heat-resistant bowl in the saucepan, ensuring the water does not touch the base of the bowl to prevent overcooking or curdling. Adjust the water level if needed, as it will rise slightly while simmering.
  • Remove the bowl from the saucepan, then bring the water to a boil over high heat and reduce to a gentle simmer over low heat.
  • In a heat-resistant bowl that fits on top of a saucepan, combine egg yolks, 110g (1/2 cup) sugar, lemon and lime rinds. Use electric hand-held beaters to whisk the mixture on low speed until combined. Increase speed to medium and whisk for about 2 minutes until thick and pale with a ribbon trail. Slowly mix in lemon and lime juices on low speed.
  • Place the bowl on top of the saucepan with simmering water and beat on low speed with electric beaters for 10 minutes until the mixture transforms into a thick foam and doubles in volume. Then, carefully remove the bowl from the saucepan.
  • Prepare a refreshing bath for the mousse mixture by filling a large bowl or sink a quarter of the way with cold water.
  • Slowly and steadily pour the gelatine mixture into the egg yolk mixture while whisking continuously.
  • Immediately place the bowl in a cold water bath along with ice cubes to cool the mixture quickly. Let it cool for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally with a balloon hand whisk until it reaches room temperature. Stirring helps prevent the mixture from setting on the bowl's sides too fast, ensuring uniform cooling and thickening. To avoid a heavy texture in the final mousse, make sure the mixture cools to room temperature. If the mixture starts setting faster around the edges than in the center, take the bowl out of the water bath and whisk until smooth, without returning it to the water bath.
  • While the egg-yolk mixture is cooling, whip the egg whites with hand-held electric beaters in a clean, dry medium bowl until they form very soft peaks. Be careful not to over-whisk to allow for easy folding into the egg-yolk mixture. Add the remaining caster sugar in 2 separate batches and whisk until combined.
  • In a medium mixing bowl, whip cream until soft peaks form, being careful not to overwhip to avoid a grainy texture in the mousse.
  • Gently fold the fluffy egg-white mixture into the egg-yolk mixture in two batches using a large metal spoon. If the egg whites are overwhisked, carefully incorporate them with a hand whisk for a slightly different mousse texture. Then fold in the cream until fully combined.
  • Transfer the mixture into the dry cake pan or mold. Gently tap it on the counter to release any large air bubbles. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight to set.
  • Prepare a serving plate by lightly wetting it to help the mousse slide smoothly. Dip the mould into hot tap water for just 1 second to warm it up slightly. Quickly invert the mould onto the plate and shake to release the mousse. If needed, re-dip or use a hot cloth to assist in unmoulding.
  • Enjoy on its own or with a side of ripe mango, peaches, nectarines, or mixed berries.